Our vision is to encourage Biblical principles of financial stewardship and generosity, resulting in the gathering, management, and distribution of financial resources for Christ and His kingdom.
Our mission is to encourage and assist individuals, congregations, and ministries in the Mennonite Brethren community with Biblical financial stewardship solutions.
Stewardship is the heart of what we
do, recognizing God’s ownership of all.
(I Corinthians 4:2, Matthew 6:24, I Chronicles 29:10-18). Service is the posture of what we do, focusing on serving Christ and His Church. (I Peter 5:2-3, Colossians 3:23-24). Integrity is the foundation of what we do, seeking to be above reproach in everything.
(I Timothy 3:1-7).
We are a stewardship ministry of the Mennonite Brethren denomination. We affirm and support the beliefs of the US Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches (USMB) as outlined in the Confession of Faith. To read more about our shared beliefs and the Confession of Faith, visit www.usmb.org.
Trust in God who richly provides us with everything. Be rich in good works. Be willing to share. Take hold of real life.
– 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Learn more about who we serve and how we can serve you.
MB Foundation is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). ECFA is an accreditation agency dedicated to helping Christian ministries earn the public’s trust through adherence to Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™. To learn more about ECFA visit their website at www.ecfa.org.
We value partnering with YOUR ministry to gather, manage and distribute financial resources for Christ and His kingdom. If you have a money challenge, we can help! We enjoy a partnership with many ministries and charities across the United States.
231 MB churches
34,000 members
Many other church partners
For more information, visit the United States conference website at www.usmb.org
Bakersfield Christian High School
Children’s Haven International
Corn Bible Academy
Fairview Fellowship Home
Global Trust Partners
God Will Provide Global Association
Good Neighbor Ministries, Inc.
Great Plains Christian Radio
Hartland Christian Camp
Heritage Village
Immanuel Schools
James Valley Christian School
Kings View Corporation
LCHS Foundation, Inc.
Main Street Ministries
Mennonite Disaster Service
Oklahoma Bible Academy
Sierra Village, Inc.
Sterling College
Sunshine Bible Academy
Sunshine Bible Academy Foundation
Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community
This represents a partial client list. Inclusion on this
list does not constitute an endorsement by any
client of our services.
Ministry Partners outside of the Mennonite Brethren denomination are expected to affirm a Faith Statement as confirmation of our shared theological alignment.
Mennonite Brethren Foundation had its functional beginning in 1898 when an Endowment Fund was established under the management of the Board of Trustees of the General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. In 1957 a gift annuity program was initiated and the first annuity was issued.
Mennonite Brethren Foundation had a more formal and intentional beginning in 1972 with the establishment of a denominational stewardship department to offer services in estate planning education, life income agreements, charitable trusts, and a variety of gift plans. The success of the planned giving programs and services linked with a perceived need to structure the organization for maximum effectiveness resulted in its incorporation in 1990 as Mennonite Brethren Foundation.
In 2003, MB Loan Fund was established and incorporated to carry on the Foundation’s investment and loan programs. Charitable activities and gift planning remain the responsibility of MB Foundation. The staff and board are the same for both organizations. The full history of MB Foundation is available in “Taking Hold of Real Life”, released in 2020. Request a free copy.
The Conference establishes a Mission Fund
Conference receives first planned gift
The Conference first reference to a Stewardship Committee
MB Foundation Incorporated
Mennonite Brethren Loan Fund established & incorporated
Assets reach $300M
Jon C. Wiebe
Tracy Halydier
Bruce Jost
Joel D. Soo Hoo
Guy Burgo
Rick Eshbaugh
Cheryl Goertzen
Kendra Goertzen
Mark Goodwin
Brenda Hamm
Rod Hamm
Tracy Hefley
Roman Hofer
Jeff Jorgenson
Jason Klassen
Iris Klein
Jeremy Myers
Stacie Myers
Sherry Rempel
Garvie Schmidt
Andy Shewey
Heather Silhan
Shawna Vogt
Mr. Schneider holds a B.S. degree in Business Administration from Huron University in Huron, South Dakota, and attended the American Bankers Association and Graduate School of Banking at the University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. He was a loan officer and branch manager for the Farm Credit System Production Credit Association for ten years and was president of the Marquette Bank of Huron, South Dakota for 15 years. He retired as President & CEO of American Bank & Trust in Huron where he had been employed since January 2002 and was recently elected to the South Dakota House of Representatives. He was also Vice-President and a director of Leackco Bank Holding Company, Inc., and Secretary of American Trust Insurance, LLC. Mr. Schneider has been a director and board chairman of the Greater Huron Development Corporation, the Huron Regional Medical Center Hospital, the James Valley Christian School and the Griffith Foundation. He has also served as a director for the South Dakota State University Foundation and a director and president of the South Dakota Bankers Association. He has served as director of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines. Mr. Schneider has served on MB Foundation’s Board since July 2000. Following the expiration of his elected term in July 2018, Lynn was appointed by the board to continue serving through 2026.
Mr. Oster served as General Manager and Senior Director of Operations at CHS Inc. before retiring in 2024. He attends Grace Bible Church in Gettysburg, South Dakota and currently serves as a deacon, adult Sunday school teacher, and Awana helper. He has extensive experience on various local and state boards for school, city, church, and agricultural associations. His current term expires in 2028.
Mr. Ray received a B.S. degree from California State University Fresno. He is a Certified Financial Planner, and is the President and shareholder of Regency Investment Advisors, Inc., a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Registered Investment Advisory firm in Fresno, California. He brings to our board 20 years of professional investment experience. His history of volunteer service includes: Ten years serving as a citizen advisory member on the investment committee of the City of Fresno Retirement Systems; Past President of the Fresno Estate Planning Council; Board member and Chairman, Central California Mennonite Residential Services; and Past President, Exceptional Parents Unlimited Board of Directors. Dan currently serves on the Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary Committee. Mr. Ray has served on the MB Foundation board since July 2000. Following the expiration of his elected term in July 2018, Dan was appointed by the board to continue serving through 2026.
Mr. Skarphol has been employed at Snowflake, a cloud-based data warehouse and data platform, where he worked on the enablement team, training sales engineers. He currently serves on the Elder Board at Christ Church Sellwood in Portland, Oregon and has led the building project as the church renovates their new facility in partnership with MB Foundation’s loan program. His current term expires in 2028.
Mr. Boothe has been an entrepreneur since 1968, building, owning, operating and selling a variety of businesses. He lives in Wichita, KS with his wife, Nancy, and is a long-time member of First MB Church. Mr. Boothe served on the Board of Trustees of the U.S. Conference for eight years prior to joining the MB Foundation Board of Directors. He has been involved with MB Foundation’s board or its predecessor, since 1980. In the spring of 2010, the board voted to bestow Director Emeritus status to Mr. Boothe in recognition of 30 years of faithful service and leadership.
Mr. Martens, a life long resident of Fairview, OK, was involved in farming and manufacturing for many years. In 1980, when President of Waldon, Inc., he received a very special honor as Oklahoma Small Business Person of the Year by the U.S. Small Business Administration. He and his wife, Joyce, are active members of Fairview MB Church. In 1977, Mr. Martens was elected to the General Conference of MB Churches Board of Trustees and remained on that board until transitioning to the MB Foundation Board of Directors at its inception in 1991. He was named the first Chair of MB Foundation and served in that capacity for ten years. He retired from the Board at the end of 2002, having served MB Foundation and its predecessor for 25 years. Mr. Martens was recognized by the board for his outstanding service and excellent leadership, by being granted the status of Director Emeritus.
Mr. Neufeld is a real estate broker who has been involved in the real estate industry since 1980. He earned his B.A. degree from Sir Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario and a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Mr. Neufeld is a current member of the National, California, and Fresno Association of Realtors. He has served two terms as President of the Fresno association and also served as treasurer for the association’s Budget & Finance Committee. He has been a member of the Property & Finance Committee of Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary for seven years, including three years as its chair. Mr. Neufeld served on the U.S. Conference Board of Trustees from 1994 to 2002, including several terms as chair. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for Fresno Pacific University. Mr. Neufeld has served on the MB Foundation board since 1994, and as chairman from 2002 to 2007. Concluding Mr Neufeld’s 26 years of faithful service and leadership, he was granted the honorary status of Director Emeritus by the Board of Directors.