Taking Hold of Real Life

Celebrating our 30 Year Anniversary &
140 Years of Stewardship!

2020 marked the 30th anniversary of the incorporation of MB Foundation. But we make the case that our roots are in the actions of 1880, making MB Foundation 140 years old! Taking Hold of Real Life is the story of MB Foundation. A story we tell because the rich legacy left by those who have taken hold of real life. We invite you to read our history and join us in writing the stories of the future.

Be encouraged and inspired by the stories of those impacting Kingdom building.

Taking Hold of Real Life is a historical summary of MB Foundation from 1880 through today. The roots of MB Foundation can be found in the early history of the Mennonite Brethren people who were motivated to be generous so the Gospel could be shared with their neighbors and around the world.

In 140 years, the conference’s first establishment of a mission fund has grown into a $251 million corporation which serves as the Mennonite Brethren family’s conduit for supporting ministries and Kingdom building.

In celebrating the 30th anniversary of the incorporation of  MB Foundation we also acknowledge the 140 years of stewardship and generosity of the Mennonite Brethren family. In reading this book you will hear stories of individuals and families who inspire and encourage us to live with open hearts and open hands. They represent the hundreds of people who have been part of a story God has been writing through the generosity of His people.

By trusting in God, being rich in god works, willing to share we will take hold of real life.
(I Timothy 6:17-19)

“This is a fascinating and inspiring account of God a work in hearts of Mennonite Brethren, building an awareness of the power of generosity in building the kingdom of God through MB Foundation and its leadership. Everybody ought to know.

Peggy GoertzenDirector, Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies