Specialized Plan For MB Churches
MB Foundation is excited to offer a specialized retirement plan option to churches within the Mennonite Brethren family.
This retirement plan offers unique benefits, including:
- Access to the nation’s largest Christian-screened mutual fund family
- Ministerial tax benefits
- Personalized investment advice through GuideStone advisors
All employees receiving taxable income from a participating Mennonite Brethren church are eligible for the retirement plan. Contributing is simple and there are no costs to the local church/ministry for participation and no required minimum contributions.
To get your church enrolled, contact Kent Gayle at 214.720.2153 or via email at Kent.Gayle@GuideStone.org
Benefits of an Associational Plan
Retirement Program: Frequently Asked Questions
WEBINAR: Retirement Planning for Pastors – January 26, 2021
Jeff Jorgenson, MB Foundation and Shawn Dorrough, GuideStone discuss the
unique financial aspects of retirement planning for pastors.