Trusted Resources

Trustedby Matt Bell, shows you how to discover natural teaching moments within the rhythms of everyday life so that you can instill the seven foundational skills of finances in your children, equipping them for a lifetime of effective, joyful, God-honoring money management.

Watch this video to hear what Matt Bell has to say about his book.

Mennonite Brethren Pastors and Christian Education and Small Group Directors, we have a free book for you!

Trusted Group Study

A guide through Trusted, by Matt Bell, to help you teach your kids how to manage money well and show you how to discover natural teaching moments within the rhythms of everyday life.

A Wise Steward Curriculum

A 3-lesson curriculum for grades 1-5, produced by MB Foundation, based on concepts presented in the book Trusted, by Matt Bell, a nationally-known stewardship author.

Give a child you love a head start!

Start your investment today and receive a free copy of the book, Trustedby Matt Bell!

Invest in a certificate to start savings for your child or grandchild’s college education.