JD and Anne Tippin
JD Tippin grew up in Hillsboro, KS, graduated from Tabor College in 2011 and currently resides in Mountain Lake, MN with his wife Anne and two children.
JD was taught from an early age the importance of giving regularly. He continued to make giving a habit throughout high school and college, but it wasn’t until he got his first job out of college that giving became real and personal. JD’s first job provided him a consistent paycheck. Now he is farming and his income is seasonal. His new career puts him on the front lines of sowing and reaping (2 Corinthians 9:6).
Farming has changed the way JD and Anne give. With the help of MB Foundation, instead of writing out a check, JD and Anne now give crops because it’s the most income tax efficient way for them to give. They have a Donor Advised Fund at MB Foundation. When they gift crops to their Donor Advised Fund, MB Foundation sells the crops and the cash proceeds became available for distribution. JD and Anne now direct those funds to the ministries God is calling them to support whenever they want.
Throughout his life, JD has grown in many ways and has learned a variety of lessons. Most importantly, he says, “I have learned to trust God more and not try to control life but allow God to work and accept the results.” He realizes that God has been blessing them more than he ever expected and sees how their gifts and blessings from the Lord can be used for ministry to bless others.